Before commencing the completion of this form please ensure you have the following at hand:

  • Your passport details
  • Your file/invoice number
  • Your airline frequent flyer membership number/s
  • The name and phone number of the person you will nominate as your emergency contact (please name someone who is not travelling with you)
  • Your weight (if your itinerary involves charter flights or horse riding your accurate weight must be provided)

This booking form will time out, so please complete it in one sitting. If any issues arise please contact us on 1300 130 218 or +61 2 9327 0666.

Terms & Conditions

This is a contract for 2Max Investments Pty Ltd ABN 20 002 789 559 trading as The Classic Safari Company (“TCSC”) to introduce you (the “clients”), particulars of whom are set out in the “Passenger Information”, under, a person, persons and/or companies whom or which will supply to you services (the “travel arrangements”), particulars of which are set out in the File/Invoice (number entered below) and/or any variation of it agreed by parties in writing (the “Invoice”) subject to the Terms and Conditions.

Safari Booking
Kath Austin
Sarah Hoyland
Julie McIntosh
Jeffrey Shewell
Warren Smith
Shelly Vernon
Iman Muldoon